Grml Blog

Debian based Linux Live system

Grml 2014.03 shipped on DELUG-DVD of german Linux Magazine 06/2014

The german “Linux Magazin” ships Grml release 2014.03 on the DELUG-DVD of edition 06/2014.

Grml - new stable release 2014.03 available

We just released Grml 2014.03 - Ponywagon.

This Grml release provides fresh software packages from Debian testing (AKA jessie). As usual it also incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release.

More information is available in the release notes of Grml 2014.03.

Grab the latest Grml ISO(s) and spread the word!

Thanks everyone and happy grml-ing!

First Release Candidate of Grml version 2014.03 released

We are proud to announce the first release candidate of the upcoming version 2014.03, code-named ‘Ponywagon’!

This Grml release provides fresh software packages from Debian testing (AKA jessie). As usual it also incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release.

For detailed information about the changes between 2013.09 and 2014.03(-rc1) have a look at the official release announcement.

Please test the ISOs and everything you usually use and report back, so we can complete the stable release soon. If no major problems come up, the next iteration will be the stable release, which is scheduled for end of March.

Grml - new stable release 2013.09 available

We just released Grml 2013.09 - Hefeknuddler.

This Grml release provides fresh software packages after the Debian stable release (AKA wheezy) has been released. As usual it also incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release.

More information is available in the release notes of Grml 2013.09.

Grab the latest Grml ISO(s) and spread the word!

Thanks everyone and happy grml-ing!

First Release Candidate of Grml version 2013.09 released

We are proud to announce the first release candidate of the upcoming version 2013.09, code-named ‘Hefeknuddler’!

This Grml release provides fresh software packages after the Debian stable release (AKA wheezy) has been released. As usual it also incorporates up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release.

For detailed information about the changes between 2013.02 and 2013.09 have a look at the official release announcement.

Please test the ISOs and everything you usually use and report back, so we can complete the stable release soon. If no major problems come up, the next iteration will be the stable release, which is scheduled for the end of September.

grml-zshrc: new prompt feature

Grml developer Frank ‘ft’ Terbeck did great work for grml-zshrc to get better customization options for the zsh prompt. We just uploaded grml-etc-core v0.8.0 to our grml-testing repository and want to mention three blog articles by Frank regarding this new prompt feature:

The new grml-etc-core release also provides a rewrite of the way keybindings work. Please consult /usr/share/doc/grml-etc-core/NEWS.Debian.gz for further details regarding the new prompt and keyboard handling. If you notice any problems please report a bug or just show up in #grml on freenode and talk to us.

Warning: broken grml96-full_2013.02.iso download

There was a “broken” grml96-full ISO on our mirrors for a few hours. All our checksum files as well as the signature files are OK, just the file grml96-full_2013.02.iso has a few different bits, resulting in a file which doesn’t correspond to the expected checksum. Note: the broken ISO doesn’t do any harm (it even boots) but you should still grab the correct one.

We’ve updated the grml96-full_2013.02.iso file but it might take a few hours until it’s propagated to all our mirrors. To check whether you’re affected execute ‘md5sum -c grml96-full_2013.02.iso.md5’ or ‘sha1sum -c grml96-full_2013.02.iso.sha1’.

The broken file is:

% md5sum grml96-full_2013.02.iso
b2ae41161908751c4ba6ac4db0855a70  grml96-full_2013.02.iso
% sha1sum grml96-full_2013.02.iso
f61a87223ca02482f7f7e8d674c444c40ca91b3a  grml96-full_2013.02.iso

The known-to-be-good file should return:

% md5sum grml96-full_2013.02.iso
ceaec04b29f9263e384a54cda8c3bab0  grml96-full_2013.02.iso
% sha1sum grml96-full_2013.02.iso
c95df860f1c08cd7e82ddeac4918bb29cb3f0b7d  grml96-full_2013.02.iso

Sorry for the annoyance. Thanks to zeldor for bringing this issue to our attention.

Grml - new stable release 2013.02 available

We just released Grml 2013.02 - Grumpy Grinch.

This release brings the Grml tools towards the upcoming Debian stable release (AKA wheezy), provides up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release.

More information is available in the release notes of Grml 2013.02.

Grab the latest Grml ISO(s) and spread the word! Thanks everyone involved and happy grml-ing!

First Release Candidate of Grml version 2013.02 released

We are proud to announce the first release candidate of the upcoming version 2013.02, code-named ‘Grumpy Grinch’!

This release brings the Grml tools towards the upcoming Debian stable release (AKA wheezy), provides up2date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release.

For detailed information about the changes between 2012.05 and 2013.02 have a look at the official release announcement.

Please test the ISOs and everything you usually use and report back, so we can complete the stable release soon. If no major problems come up, the next iteration will be the stable release, which is scheduled for end of February.

New Grml developer: Markus Rekkenbeil

We’re proud to be able to announce that Markus ‘bionix’ Rekkenbeil just joined the Grml team. Welcome in the team, Markus!

Grml - new stable release 2012.05 available

We just released Grml 2012.05 - Ponyhof.

Thanks for all the feedback we received for our 2011.12 release, we took it serious and hope that everyone finds 2012.05 such a wonderful release as we consider it to be.

There were some changes between 2012.05-rc1 and the new stable release. The most important ones are:

  • Update to Kernel 3.3.7
  • Added sysstat (and imvirt-helper was pulled in as dependency)
  • Fixed Grub2, iPXE and MirOS bsd4grml boot options for 64bit ISO
  • Added wallpaper
  • Fixed lang boot option for grml-small flavour

As you might notice the grml-small flavour came back. So it’s two flavours (grml-full + grml-small) and two architectures (x86 + amd64) now. The grml96 option - which provides the x86 and the amd64 version on one single ISO (grml96 = grml32 + grml64) - is available for your service as well.

We want to thank all the people involved in this magnificent and awesome release. The Grml Developers, our Contributors and all the other people involved in this release.

More information is available in the release notes of Grml 2012.05. Now download the latest Grml ISO and spread the word!

First Release Candidate of Grml version 2012.05 released

We are proud to announce the first release candidate of the upcoming version 2012.05, code-named ‘Ponyhof’!

For detailed information about the changes between 2011.12 and 2012.05 have a look at the official release announcement.

Several tools that have been reported to be missing on the downsized 2011.12 release have been re-added. This release also brings the grml-small flavour back to life.

Please test the ISOs and everything you usually use and report back, so we can complete the stable release soon. If no major problems come up, the next iteration will be the stable release, which is scheduled for end of May.

New Grml developer: Evgeni Golov

We’re proud to be able to announce that Evgeni ‘Zhenech’ Golov joined the Grml team as developer. Welcome in the team, Evgeni!

Grml featured in Linux User 03/2012

The german Linux User magazine provides an article about Grml, including an interview with Grml developer Mika and the Grml 2011.12 release shipped on DVD. Grab the Linux User 03/2012 edition while it’s fresh! :)

We want you!

Recently two Grml developers sadly left our development team. Christian Hofstaedtler and Gerfried Fuchs, we wish you all the best - thanks for all your work within the Grml community!

Now you might be wondering how you could become a Grml developer. We’re happy to announce, a place which should get interested people ready to contribute without much headaches. Please help us making Grml an even better kick ass solution!