removed packages
I added several packages since release 0.2 to my grml-chroot
. As usual I try to create an ISO with exactly 700 MB. My last ISO had 710MB.
# apt-get remove --purge printconf foomatic-db-gimp-print
The result was an ISO with still about 705MB. So:
# apt-get remove --purge autotrace libautotrace3 libmagick++6 libplot2 libpstoedit0
I hope to get a 700MB version now. Notice: If you have any special wishes on software which should be removed/included please let me know, last chance for grml 0.3. :-)
create a perl debian package
I wanted to add ACME::Bleach, ACME::EyeDrops and ACME::Smirch to grml. So I had to create my first perl debian packages.
It couldn’t be easier:
% dh-make-perl --cpan Acme::Smirch --build
I added szs2nd and to grml-etc (0.2-13). Those tools improve the statusline of windowmanager WMI. szs2nd is loaded by default now. Updated /etc/skel/.zshrc and /etc/zsh/zshrc as well.
Current ISO build 0.2-9b works like a charme. :-)
new grml-mirror available
Jim Dio provided a mirror in california for grml, thanks Jim! See download-section @ for details.
BTW: the TUG-mirror has a downtime due to problems with harddisks, according to the admin-team it should be up again at the end of the week.
GNU units
GNU units was missing in grml, fixed that.
Now we are able to do stuff like:
grml@grml ~ % units
You have: 1000 km
You want: miles
* 621.37119
/ 0.001609344
I stumbled upon schedtool via ck’s audio hints and just packaged it. As usual it’s available via the grml-repository.
Seems to work:
root@grml ~ # schedtool $$
root@grml ~ #
I’ve added MinUnit to package grml-templates. MinUnit is a minimal unit testing framework for C, see for more details.
SFS-KNOPPIX is a kind of KNOPPIX which boots form Internet with a cloop on SFS(Self-certifying File System). It requires small boot loader (20MB image) and offers full KNOPPIX functions, Autoconfig, etc.
SFS-KNOPPIX makes possible to change a cloop file (root file system of KNOPPIX) at boot time. It means we don’t need to burn extra CD for many KNOPPIX offshoots.
Pictures from Linuxday Klagenfurt
Gebi, Jimmy, Worf and me were on Linuxday Klagenfurt 2005 on 22nd of february. A webgallery is available online.
Today I stumbled upon shunit, a Unit Testing Framework for the Bourne Family of Shells. I created a .deb which can be found in the grml-repository.
Welcome to the grml-devel-blog
Finally I decided to create a new blog for my activities on grml.