finished devel-release 0.3-2
As I mentioned on grml-devel I’ve put a devel-release online today. It uses 2.6.11-grml with full unionfs-support. I’ve had some problems with unionfs (‘cp skipping file … as it was replaced while being copied’) but could fix this via using a current snapshot. In the next few days I’ll implement the missing stuff in grml-x, do some more quality assurance and work on the installer (grml2hd) with Jimmy.
unionfs working on grml; extra modules for 2.6.11-grml available
I now have a grml-ISO running with unionfs, now it’s possible to run ‘apt-get install foobar’ when running from CD. :-)
I had to use some hacks (thanks to the debug-bootparam ;-)) to get unionfs working. But it shouldn’t be that much work to make it more elegant and working smooth. ;-) If I can handle it a devel-release might be available at the weekend.
I also did some work on the extra-modules, most of them are available already. Take a look at the kernel-devel-webpage for some more information.
grml-ISO running with 2.6.11-grml
grml@grml ~ % grml-version
0.3-1 Release Codename Hustenstopper [2005-03-14]
grml@grml ~ % uname -a
Linux grml 2.6.11-grml #1 SMP Sun Mar 13 17:51:07 CET 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
grml@grml ~ %
Works like a charme so far. Now I’ll work on integration of the missing extra-modules (ipw, loop-aes, ndiswrapper,..).
kernel 2.6.11-grml
In the last few days I’ve been busy working on kernel 2.6.11-grml. A webpage for development on 2.6.11-grml is available online. Please notice that the kernel is still under development but the core stuff has been integrated already. I would be happy to receive feedback.
working on 2.6.11-grml
I’m busy working on kernel 2.6.11-grml. Currently the kernel includes the following patches:
Some other patches are waiting for integration (reiser4, orinoco-rfmon-dragorn,…). Some of them aren’t ready for 2.6.11 but the kernel should be useful for testing already at this stage of development. I’ll test it on my development machines, if everything works fine so far I’ll integrate the kernel into the grml-chroot so I can provide an updated devel-ISO.
new team member: Julius Plenz
Julius Plenz joined the grml-team. Welcome, Julius!
Andreas Neuhold sent me a package request for LegatoClient:*
The package lgtoclnt available at would require 35.2MB of space - a lot too much to add it to grml. Maybe someone could create/provide “a smaller version”? Does anyone of you know/use LegatoClient?
packaged bashburn
Martin Simon suggested to add bashburn to grml. I just packaged it but had no time to test if it works as intended. You can find it in the grml-repository - feedback welcome.
We planned to arrive at Chemnitzer LinuxTag 2005 on 4th of March bringing grml-shirts with us. The producer of the shirts was at hospital, but as it looks like it might work anyway (’last-minute action’). So grml-devel-guys: chances to get a shirt in Chemnitz are not that bad. ;-)
kernel 2.6.11[-grml]
While creating the grml ISOs for release 0.3 I’m running same basic patching + compile tests with kernel 2.6.11.
Compiling unionfs 1.0.9 against the new kernel worked like a charme, integration of squashfs2.1-r2 and patch-2.6.11-ck1 was also an easy task.
iteraid.patch required some small adjustments (see MOD_*_USE_COUNT macros were deprecated).
Several other patches are waiting for integration.
Remember: if you want to see any special patches inside 2.6.11-grml please drop me a mail [mika (at)].
locking a grml box
I was thinking of a reliable way to lock a grml box. Logging out is not possible due to the respawn-feature of init.
The solution is to run passwd && vlock -a
This sets a password for the current user (which is disabled by default for security reasons) and then locks the current console and disables switching to other consoles.
several updates + kernel 2.6.11
Martin sent me his script grml-pptp-xdsl-students (thanks!), I updated grml-muttng, Christoph Wegscheider sent me a fix for szs (statusbar for WMI), several updates in grml-etc and finally Jimmy and me fixed grml2hd (thanks, Jimmy!). Now I’ll do some more testing. 0.3 is coming closer! :)
BTW: Kernel 2.6.11 is available. This means that as soon as we release grml 0.3 I’ll start working at the kernel.
If you want to see any (special) patches inside grml-kernel please let me know!
grml-* updates
I updated and fixed several stuff in grml-etc, grml-files and grml-scripts. Release 0.3 is coming closer. Please report your wishes/bugfixes now!
new bootparams: nocolor + log
Finally we have working nocolor
and log
bootparams. nocolor disables colorized output while booting, log starts bootlogd and logs all stderr-output to an extra file. (nocolor isn’t just for pragmatists but avoids color sequences in the bootlog ;-))
updated grml-scripts
Matthias and me wrote a small shellscript namend fex to extract archives without thinking too much. ;-) I just added it to grml-scripts.
BTW: Please test grml-muttng and provide me feedback!