Grml Blog

Debian based Linux Live system

Isn't there even a text based Linux (grml)?

Jörg Schilling mentions grml in his blog-entry Work on SchilliX, the fiest OpenSolaris based UNIX is underway.

change language defaults on grml

sed -i 's#init=/etc/init lang=us#init=/etc/init lang=de#' grml_0.3.iso

That’s all you have to do if you don’t want to manually set bootoption ‘grml lang=de’. :-) Notice: Please verify md5sum of ISO (not just the ISO itself but also the CD-ROM via booting with ‘grml testcd’) before modifiying the ISO because the modification breaks the md5sum of course. ;-)

status report - grml 0.3-3

Develrelease grml 0.3-3 is available for grml-developers and beta-testers since monday. In the last few days I fixed the reported bugs. I think I’ll drop vesafb-tng because there have been more problems than benefits with it. Now I’m working on improving the bootup sequence, checking bootoptions and some more misc stuff.

grml-kernel: another update

Another update of kernel 2.6.11-grml. Tobias Klauser and me applied some additional patches from kernel-source-2.6.11 by Debian:


The kernel and several modules are available online. Please report any problems you notice!

april joke 2005

Just for the archive: of course the last entry (“grml provides XPDE”) was an Aprils fools joke. Sorry for that but I couldn’t resist. :-)

German readers should take a look at the ;-)

grml provides XPDE

I just installed XPDE in the grml-chroot:

It’s awfull rocking! There is not enough place on the grml-ISO so I deleted all the TeX-stuff on grml. Sorry for that, guys - but grml 0.4 will provide XPDE!

grml running with vesafb-tng

I patched the grml-kernel (2.6.11-grml) with vesafb-tng:

grml@grml ~ % fbset -i  
mode "1024x768-60"  
    # D: 65.003 MHz, H: 48.365 kHz, V: 60.006 Hz  
    geometry 1024 768 1024 1536 16  
    timings 15384 160 24 29 3 136 6  
    rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0  
Frame buffer device information:  
    Name        : VESA VGA  
    Address     : 0xe9000000  
    Size        : 3145728  
    Type        : PACKED PIXELS  
    Visual      : TRUECOLOR  
    XPanStep    : 0  
    YPanStep    : 1  
    YWrapStep   : 0  
    LineLength  : 2048  
    Accelerator : No  
grml@grml ~ %

I’ll do some more testing, if everything works fine the next devel-release will include the vesafb-tng-stuff.

New team member: Tobias Klauser

I proudly present another contributor in the grml-team: Tobias Klauser. Tobias is helping me especially at the udev- and hotplug-stuff in grml. Welcome in the team, Tobias!

grml and madwifi

Thanks to beta-tester Jürgen ‘Stormchild’ Oesterle who reported that grml lacks of madwifi-support. I just added the necessary stuff:

grml@grml ~ % locate ath_pci  
grml@grml ~ % dpkg --get-selections|grep madwifi  
madwifi                                         install  
madwifi-module-2.6.11-grml                      install  
madwifi-tools                                   install

grml running xorg

grml@grml ~ % xdpyinfo| head -5
name of display:    :7.0
version number:    11.0
vendor string:    The X.Org Foundation
vendor release number:    60802000
X.Org version: 6.8.2
grml@grml ~ % 

grml-kernel with grml-logo

Elimar Riesebieter contributed a grml-logo for the grml-kernel (thanks!):

I also updated the patch-list:


grml beta-testers

I just started the beta-tester subproject of grml. Every 2-3 weeks I’ll provide a current devel-snapshot to grml-developers and beta-testers so I get feedback from people using different software and hardware than me. If you think you could help the grml-team you are welcomed to join the grml beta-testers.

grml-developers on chemnitzer linuxtag 2005

I nearly forgot to mention the developer-meeting at beginning of march 2005. Several grml-developers have been on Chemnitzer LinuxTag 2005. Some us of met each other for the first time in reallife. :-)

finished devel-release 0.3-2

As I mentioned on grml-devel I’ve put a devel-release online today. It uses 2.6.11-grml with full unionfs-support. I’ve had some problems with unionfs (‘cp skipping file … as it was replaced while being copied’) but could fix this via using a current snapshot. In the next few days I’ll implement the missing stuff in grml-x, do some more quality assurance and work on the installer (grml2hd) with Jimmy.

unionfs working on grml; extra modules for 2.6.11-grml available

I now have a grml-ISO running with unionfs, now it’s possible to run ‘apt-get install foobar’ when running from CD. :-)

I had to use some hacks (thanks to the debug-bootparam ;-)) to get unionfs working. But it shouldn’t be that much work to make it more elegant and working smooth. ;-) If I can handle it a devel-release might be available at the weekend.

I also did some work on the extra-modules, most of them are available already. Take a look at the kernel-devel-webpage for some more information.