Grml Blog

Debian based Linux Live system

some more modules for 2.6.12-grml

While doing kernelrelated work I just built packages for lufs, fuser, eagle-usb, thinkpad and vaiostat against 2.6.12-grml. Again, get them from the usual place. (BTW: I just created a new category for the develblog named kernel.)

ivtv-module and utils for 2.6.12-grml

Someone requested the ivtv-kernelmodule for grml-kernel and I just built the necessary packages (thanks to Eduard Bloch for his source-packages). As I do not have the necessary hardware any testing is welcome of course. Get the ivtv-package at the usual place.

grml-small 0.1 available

I’m proud to be able to announce ‘grml-small 0.1’ with codename ‘Zugschlus’ (because it was inspired by Marc ‘Zugschlus’ Haber.) It’s a ~50MB-ISO which fits on a business card CD-ROM. For more details take a look at the release announcement. Please report feeedback!

wiki available

Thanks to Jimmy, we now have the grml-wiki available online ( Please share you knowledge and contribute!

devel release grml 0.4-2

We have another devel release for grml-developers and beta-testers: grml 0.4-2. Main features are:

  • kernel 2.6.12-grml including several additional modules (see and an updated udev-package (version 060) [thanks to Tobias!]
  • replaced hotplug with hotplug-light
  • new grml-autoconfig infrastructure Now I’ll finish my work on grml-small and hope to be able to upload grml-small 0.1 really soon…. (hmpf)

kernel 2.6.12-grml up and running

Release 0.4-1d is running here with kernel 2.6.12-grml now. The patchset includes:


Kernel 2.6.12-grml and several modules are available online.

packaged heirloom-sh

I just packaged heirloom-sh - a portable variant of the traditional Unix shell. It has been derived fromOpenSolaris code and thus implements the SVR4/SVID3 level of the shell.As usual it’s available in the grml-repos, feedback welcome.

new grml-autoconfig, several other updates

I uploaded the new grml-autoconfig-framework to the grml-repos. The configuration itself (/etc/grml/autoconfig) provides documentation, some more docs might follow. Now grml-firefox is a seperate package for /etc/skel/.mozilla which provides a preconfigured firefox-environment with some useful extensions (new added: ShowIP and ConQuery). Several other updates as usual in grml-etc, grml-scripts,…
BTW: The current snapshot of grml-small (grml 50MB-ISO) works quite well so far (running with kernel 2.6.12-grml), I’m locking forward to be able to publish it soon. grml-usb (grml ~240MB-ISO) is also coming closer. Please let me know which software you would like to see in grml-usb!

delayed grml-small

I decided to delay grml-small for a few days. A “light version” of kernel 2.6.12-grml is already part of the grml-small-ISO. I now want to include the new grml-autoconfig framework and therefore I need some more time. Sorry for that, but expect a rocking grml-small. ;-)

kernel 2.6.12-grml

A first public version of Kernel 2.6.12-grml is available. It includes support for reiser4, vesafb-tng, squashfs, mppe/mppc and iteraid:

mika@grml ~ % uname -a  
Linux grml 2.6.12-grml #1 SMP Mon Jun 20 15:20:40 CEST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

The debian-package plus several modules built against 2.6.12-grml are available online. I’m working on a (better) framework for the grml-kernel (using dpatch+debian/…). Expect to find broken-out (d)patches and some more information on soon. Feedback and help welcome!

grml-autoconfig revisited

I just worked on grml-autoconfig which is a seperate package since 5th of June. I split grml-autoconfig into a shellscript-library, an init-file and a configuration file. Now it’s possible to de-/activate the modules of grml-autoconfig without touching the source itself. As an example:

% cat /etc/grml/autoconfig.config

I’ll add the functionality to grml2hd so you will be able to decide on your own what parts you would like to use on a harddisk installation of grml. I’ll do some more testing and will upload the new grml-autoconfig-system to the pool then.

grml in the german linux magazine

AK gave me a hint that grml is part of the german ‘Linux-Magazin’ (edition 07/05) for people with the DELUG-subscription. Very nice! Now I’ll try to get such an edition which contains a grml 0.4 CD. :-)

Quoting the linux-magazine: Service für DELUG-Mitglieder: Linux-Magazin-Monats-CD
Grml 0.4: Die Live-CD enthält 2200 ausgewählte Softwarepakete (entpackt: 2 GByte) für Sysadmins und Fans der Textkonsole. Die Distribution basiert auf Knoppix und Debian, bootet mit ausgeklügelter Hardware-Erkennung, verzichtet aber auf KDE und Gnome und konzentriert sich auf Kommandozeilenwerkzeuge.

grml: small edition

Inspired by Marc Haber’s posting in de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc I was working on a small-ISO variant of grml in the last few days. The ISO will fit on a business-card-CD. Thanks to Marc for his feedback!

Finally I’ve a 53MB grml-ISO. I’ll do some more testing in the next few days and will put the ISO online at the next weekend (~19th of june) if everything works as intended.

JFYI: I’m working on the usb-stick variant as well, stay tuned. ;-)

The Linux sdparm utility (update)

I just packaged sdparm (because the .deb on the homepage is generated by alien ;-)):

The sdparm utility outputs and in some cases modifies SCSI device parameters. When the SCSI device is a disk, sdparm’s role is similar to its Linux namesake: hdparm which is for ATA disks that usually have device names starting with “hd”. More generally sdparm can be used to output and modify parameters on any device that uses a SCSI command set. Apart from SCSI disks, such devices include CD/DVD drives (irrespective of transport), SCSI and ATAPI tape drives and SCSI enclosures.

Update: Tomas Fasth made an ITP [bug #312580], so you’ll find it in Debian soon.

shish - the diet shell (update)

I just packaged shish:

shish is a shell language interpreter and an interactive command line interpreter. This shell aims at being very small and doing its tasks in efficient ways (and not through 100 abstraction layers), which is mainly done by using the dietlibc and libowfat libraries and by design considerations according to Fefe’s excellent howto. shish will be a POSIX compatible shell language interpreter according to the IEEE P1003.2 Draft 11.2 by its 1.0 release.

As usual you can find the package in the grml-repos.

Update: I just made the ITP (intend to package) [bug #312660].