current development status report
I continued work on shortening our bugreports, wish- and todolist in the last few weeks. New features include:
- bootoption startup for starting a script when booting finished, usage example: ‘grml startup=netcardconfig’
- LVM (logical volumes) support in the booting process, providing bootoption ’lvm’ now
- grml2hd supports installation on LVM devices also in interactive mode, all you have to do is set up LVM is you want it to and then invoke ‘LVM=/dev/mapper/$target grml2hd’
- support dvorak keyboard layout via bootoption lang=dvorak and lang=dvorak-iso as well as keyboard=dvorak and xkeyboard=dvorak More to come in the next few days… going back to development now…
grml at FrOSCon 2007 and Linux User Group Moenchengladbach
My submission of contribution regarding a talk about grml for the Call for Papers has been accepted for FrOSCon 2007! FrOSCon 2007 takes place on 25th and 26th August at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, in St. Augustin near Bonn, Germany. This means we will have grml hackdays at FrOSCon 2007! Oh and on 28th of august 2007 I’ll held another grml-talk at Linux User Group Moenchengladbach (thanks for the invitation, Spida!). On 29th of August I’m flying back to austria then…
grml / grml64 /grml-small in LinuxUser 07/2007
The media edition 07/2007 of the german LinuxUser magazine contains a DVD and a CD providing grml 1.0, grml64 0.1 and grml-small 0.4! It’s a great chance to get different versions of grml on one medium. You’ll even find an article I wrote about grml inside. So get it as long it’s hot off the press and available! :-)
Debian package grml-debian-keyring available
Thanks to formorer we have a grml-debian-keyring Debian package now. This package provides the GnuPG archive key of the repository for using the GPG signature checking with apt >=0.6. More details can be found in the Debian webpage in the grml-wiki.
results of grml user survey available
The results of the grml user survey are available in the grml-wiki. Thanks to all of you who participated!
grml at linuxdays - photo
I’m sitting at the grml booth and we ran out of grml-cds sooner than expected (now burning some more blank CDs on our own). Oh, BTW - the grml booth is featured at :)
My grml talk starts in less than 3 hours, I’m just checking my slides once more.
grml at linuxdays vienna 2007
From 31st of May until 2nd of June the Linuxdays Vienna take place. My train is leaving Graz within the next few hours, you can meet me in Vienna for the next few days at the grml-booth as well as in my (german) talk about grml on friday, 1st of June. Hope to see you there!
grml 1.0, grml64 0.1 and grml-small 0.4 available
Yes, we have new stable release available.
grml talk and booth at grazer linuxdays 2007
Grazer Linuxdays 2007 will take place on 19th of May at FH Joanneum. I’ll give a (german) talk about grml and we will have a grml booth at the event. We (several grml developers are there!) will present grml 1.0 of course, showing all the cool and rocking features. Hope to see you there! :-)
grml developer meeting: stable release
We will have a grml developer meeting on 17th of may in Realraum Graz (Sporgasse 16) starting at 2 o’clock pm (“14 uhr” local time ;-)). Alexander ‘formorer’ Wirt is visiting Graz for a few days and will be at the develmeeting too. We will do some further bughunting and if everything goes fine we will finalize the stable release. If you want to help us on getting out the new stable releases you’re invited to join us!
grml 1.0-rc2, grml64 0.1-rc2 and grml-small 0.4-rc2
Today I uploaded rc2 of the current releases, they are meant to be the last release candidates for the upcoming stable release. As the stable version will be available really soon (within the next 3-4 days) I maybe won’t even announce them “officially”. So far the ISOs are available on only, grab and test them if you want to help the grml-team to provide the stable release really soon.
grml 1.0-rc1, grml64 0.1-rc1 and grml-small 0.4-rc1
grml-docs (1.0.0-rc1) unstable; urgency=low
* Update docs for:
- grml 1.0-rc1 Release Codename Meilenschwein [2007-05-08]
- grml-small 0.4-rc1 Release Codename Springginkerl [2007-05-08]
- grml64 0.1-rc1 Release Codename LiveShell [2007-05-08]
-- Michael Prokop Mon, 07 May 2007 22:35:16 +0200
Yes, it’s on its way…. if everything works as expected you can find the ISOs on the mirrors tomorrow….
packaged zfs-fuse
Gebi and me packaged zfs-fuse for Debian/grml. ZFS is an advanced modern general-purpose filesystem from Sun Microsystems, originally designed for Solaris/OpenSolaris. zfs-fuse is a port of ZFS to the FUSE framework for the Linux operating system. Just get the debian package from grml-testing pool or just wait for grml 1.0. :-)
grml-debootstrap 0.7
I just uploaded a new version of grml-debootstrap to the grml-testing pool providing many new features. One nifty feature is setting variables via commandline. This allows you to install Debian with just one command and 2 keystrokes(!) (one ‘y’ for starting execution of grml-debootstrap and another one for setting the password of user root, this can be automated as well of course if you want to). I just installed a plain Debian system via running:
# grml-debootstrap --target /dev/hda2 --grub hd0 --groot hd0,1
But that’s not all. You can install a plain Debian system full automatic(!) via bootoption debian2hd. I just did a full automatic installation with grml-debootstrap 0.7 and grml-autoconfig 0.6.39 running on grml-small via booting with:
debian2hd target=/dev/hda1 grub=hd0 groot=hd0,0 mirror= password=foobar
Not a single keystroke behind the commandline on the bootprompt. Rocking! :-)
new develreleases: grml 0.9-7, grml64 0.02 and grml-small 0.3-2
I was working very hard the last few days, the result is a bunch of new develreleases. The stable releases are coming closer now, I’ve just to write the release notes and find artwork for the new releases (want to contribute? let me know!) first. Quoting the main changelog for the new develreleases:
Main changelog for grml:
* updated kernel 2.6.20-grml based on
* updated libc6 (2.5)
* updated Debian packages by 2007-04-15
* several fixes, including the ones mentioned on
* LaTeX: switch from tetex to texlive
* grml-debootstrap is aware of stages (canceling is possible now),
supports lenny (additionally to Etch of course) now as well
* grml-x: use of evdev, please test it with all your mouses and
report whether it works or not!
* tons of other nifty updates/addons/... I've to dig through the
changelogs first.... :)
Removed packages since grml 0.9:
aircrack classpath classpath-common classpath-gtkpeer cpp-3.3 ddd
debsig-verify doc-base emacspeak ethereal ethereal-common gcc-2.95
gcc-3.3 gcc-3.3-base glibc-doc grml-btnet grml-kerneladdons-2.6.18
grml-sysvinit gs-gpl jamvm java-common kdoc latex-ucs
libavahi-core4 libbind9-0 libclamav1 libcman1 libdlm1 libdns21
libexiv2-0.10 libgcj-common libgtk-perl libgulm1 libinklevel3
libisc11 libisccc0 libisccfg1 liblwres9 libncurses5-dev
libnet-pcap-perl libnet-perl libnids1.20 libpam-opie libqdbm14
libreadline5-dev librudiments0.29 libsasl2 libsqlrelay-0.37
libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 libstdc++5 libtorrent9 libuclibc0
libxmltok1 linux-wlan-ng linux-wlan-ng-firmware lout lout-common
lufs-utils lvm-common lvm10 madwifi-doc misdn-utils mutt-ng
muttprint nxclient olsrd-plugin openafs-client openafs-krb5
opie-server postgresql-client-8.1 prosper python-clamav
python-jaxml python2.3 samdump scapy simh tclx8.3 tesseract-ocr
tetex-base tetex-bin tetex-extra tethereal tftp-hpa tftpd-hpa
tk-brief unionfs-utils unzsplit valgrind wellenreiter wmi
xen-tools xen-utils-common xlibmesa-gl zsplit
Added packages since grml 0.9:
advchk array-info ascii2binary atftpd blktrace bluetooth-alsa cbm
clive concalc cryopid dnsproxy dvb-utils fatresize funionfs
gaffitter gatling gems genisoimage grml-desktop
grml-kerneladdons-2.6.20 grml-pylib icedax ii imsniff keyutils
kqemu-common kvm mcabber mtp-tools ncc newsbeuter odt2txt
olsrd-plugins oss-compat pdfcube perl-tk pnputils podget
postgresql-client-8.2 python-scapy python-urwid recordmydesktop
samdump2 scalpel sigit smbnetfs speedometer texlive-base
texlive-base-bin texlive-common texlive-doc-base
texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-lang-german texlive-latex-base
texlive-latex-recommended treil tss uncrustify urlscan vde2
vinetto xserver-xorg-input-aiptek xserver-xorg-input-elo2300
xserver-xorg-input-elographics xserver-xorg-input-evtouch
xserver-xorg-input-hyperpen xserver-xorg-input-joystick
xserver-xorg-input-penmount xserver-xorg-input-void xwatchwin zzuf
Main changelog for grml64:
* Tons of updates, fixes,.. updated Debian packages by 2007-04-15
* Added several 32bit compability libs, so now working 64<->32bit
should work really fine.
* Removed LaTeX, due to space reasons.
Main changelog for grml-small:
* updated to kernel 2.6.20-grml-small (based on
* updated libc6 (2.5)
* tons of fixes.... including the issues ones mentioned on
* updated Debian packages by 2007-04-15
* merged all relevant code from big grml[tm]