Grml Blog

Debian based Linux Live system

news from the grml development front

First of all sorry for the long time without any news in the grml develblog. Busy weeks, sorry. In the last few weeks main work besides some bugfixing was providing a stable daily-grml service. Now we are waiting for the soon to be released stable version of the 2.6.26 linux kernel. Our plan is to provide a new development release featuring kernel 2.6.26 as soon as possible. New stable versions of grml should be available in august then. BTW: On 23rd and 24th of august some grml developers will visit FrOSCon, a two day conference on Free Software and Open Source, taking place for the third time in Sankt Augustin/Germany. We plan to make a grml booth as well as a coming-together-hacking-event. Hope to see you there!