new develrelease: grml 0.8-1
I just uploaded a new develrelease for beta-testers and grml-devs. All the mounting-stuff as discussed on the grml-user mailinglist has been implemented. Quoting the main part of the Changelog:
* Fixed the issues of grml 0.8 mentioned on (only the bt-net stuff
does not work yet, Gebi is working on it)
* /mnt/usb-sd* feature - see Thread "RFC: handling of external usb
devices" on grml-user mailinglist for details =>
* grml-rebuildfstab (that's an shell command now as well, just run'grml-rebuildfstab' to rebuild /etc/fstab!) supports fs-LABELs and
UUIDs; rebuilfstab now takes care of /mnt/*-directories as well - see
and "man rebuildfstab" for details.
Notice: Running "apt-get update ; apt-get install grml-autoconfig \
grml-rebuildfstab grml-scanpartitions udev" should bring you the
/mnt/usb-sd* and new fstab features to your harddisk installation
of grml.
* Removed the bitmap-fonts packages xfonts-100dpi-transcoded and
xfonts-75dpi-transcoded. I couldn't notice any font-related
problems, if you do notice some please let me know!
* Added FreeDOS 1.0 from the Balder project; boot into it using the
bootoption 'dos'
* Updated the adp94xx scsi kernel module [also in the initrd]
(thanks, jimmy)
* Extended grml-tips: several new tips regarding mdadm, lvm-stuff,...
* Updated packages to debian-pool by 2006-09-11
* New packages (excluding lib*):
aria2 ccontrol cdrskin classpath-gtkpeer ddccontrol ddccontrol-db
firmware-qlogic iwatch medusa openbsd-inetd python-jaxml
python-selinux python-semanage queuegraph reniced smap stealth
unionfs-modules-2.6.17-grml wodim xen-utils-common xmms2
xmms2-client-cli xmms2-core xmms2-plugin-alsa xmms2-plugin-id3v2
xmms2-plugin-jack xmms2-plugin-mad xmms2-plugin-vorbis
* Removed packages (excluding lib*):
jaxml netkit-inetd ppmtofb python2.4-selinux scanerrlog
xfonts-100dpi-transcoded xfonts-75dpi-transcoded