Grml Blog

Debian based Linux Live system

language-selection within grml2hd, status report

Currently I’m working on language support within grml2hd so you can easily select your prefered language and keyboard settings via grml-setlang and grml-setkeyboard. Works fine so far, we just have to do some more testing.

Jimmy wrote a partition selector for grml2hd which should make live easier for grml2hd-newbies. :-)

I slightly improved some configuration files and scripts. An absolutely great feature has been integrated: by Ulrich Dangel, Rico Schiekel and Alexander Bernauer. Special thanks to Ulrich ‘schula’ Dangel for his work in #grml. allows you to be notified about remote stuff via On Screen Display when running X. Expect to find a hint for setup in grml-tips(1) soon.

Another feature waiting for being published: grml-policy-rc.d, to avoid automatical startup of init scripts via invoke-rc.d. More details will be available in its manpage as soon as we consider it working and stable.

And I’m still working on the patchset for 2.6.17-grml. I’m waiting for the next stable release (should be available on 19th of july) before providing a final build of 2.6.17-grml.

We will have a grml-develmeeting today (tuesday) where we will talk about grml 0.8. We have some release-stoppers left and try to reduce todo-list within the next few days so we can release grml 0.8 at beginning of august. Stay tuned…