new develrelease grml 0.7-2
We have a new develrelease. A lot of work took place. Quoting main changelog of my mail to betatesters and grml developers :
- added new packages (excluding xserver* and lib* stuff):
aircrack-ng cdck cedet-common classpath classpath-common cpuid debian-goodies fvwm fvwm-crystal grep-dctrl habak jamvm jikes mktemp mysql-client-5.0 ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils-1.7 openafs-modules-2.6.16-grml pktstat pymacs python-minimal python-mode remind trayer tzdata unionfs-tools wpagui wyrd - updated to 7.0
- new default font (Lat15-Terminus16) on plain console* fixed problems mentioned @ grml-wiki grml 0.7
- removed kaffe, added jikes and jamvm instead
- added scripts blacklist + unblacklist: [un]blacklist a specific kernelmodule during runtime via /etc/modprobe.d/grml
- grml-network: big update (see yourself :))
- grml-postfix: reworked, now executing ‘dpkg-reconfigure postfix’
- grml-autoconfig interface: read in already set values so the current configuration is visible to the user
- grml2hd: added support for setting hostname through script ‘grml-hostname’
- reworked grml2hd-utils
- grml-x completion: check for present window-managers and don’t use a static list
- added window manager fvwm-crystal: we have to tune it a little bit (reduce size, adjust wallpaper, keybindings), but it definitely rocks! Give it a try and also take a look at the keyboard bindings