Grml Blog

Debian based Linux Live system

grml - Chemnitzer LinuxTage 2006 edition

Main work on the special grml edition “Chemnitzer LinuxTage 2006” (grml-clt06) has been finished. Packages have been updated, we have some more new tools and minor bugfixes took place. Now we have to do some more testing before burning the CDs is on the todolist. The edition will be available exclusive for CLT06 visitors. If you visit my grml-talk your chances aren’t that bad to receive a grml-clt06-CD. :-)BTW: We’ll have grml-develmeeting(s) at CLT06. If you want to get in contact with grml-developers feel free to do so! We are wearing black shirts. ;-) Of course with a grml-logo on it. :-)