Grml Blog

Debian based Linux Live system

grml 0.5 is coming...

We are “in the freeze phase” since sunday with pre-release grml 0.4-9. I fixed some minor stuff in the last few days and now I’m bringing documentation up to date and running some final checks. Tomorrow (friday) will be a last develmeeting before the new release is going to be published (planned for 24th of october). There have been so many improvements since grml 0.4 that writing the changelog is a really heavy task. :-) BTW: Using the latest unionfs-release provides a working module-assistant even on live-CD. This means that you will be able to build your own kernelmodules in live-cd-mode of grml 0.5 now. :-) Ok, probably and hopefully this was the last status message before grml 0.5 will be available - so stay tuned! :-)